Friday, December 7, 2012

Move ON!

 Mistakes ..
sometimes we made mistakes and regret it...
or maybe

there are two kind of mistake, the controllable mistake and uncontrollable mistakes. we call it controllable mistake because we knew that is wrong but we still do it, maybe because of silly reason or we didn't think about the result . The other one is Uncontrollable mistake, we didn't know it's wrong or not and after that realized that we made mistake, or we didn't do that mistake on purpose, like break a plate or something else.
When you realized you've made mistake, you will feels like crying and blame yourself. but fortunately, from mistakes you did in the past, you can learn to be a better man in the future...

it's better if you blame yourself instead of other people, as we forgive ourself in short period of time and by blaming yourself, you can learn and change to be better. as an example, you made someone angry, you can say that one hate you, so everything you do will be mistake in their eyes, in this case you are asking them to change (to not hate you) but if you think "Maybe i just did something wrong or maybe that's too much" so you can try to change yourself , and be better.

Don’t regret anything you did in the past, learn from it and move on
And remember that sometimes
it’s not the mistakes that make us who we are, it’s what we do after we’ve made the mistake
Do we stand up and move on or do we sit down and give up? 

How To Move On;
  • Admit that you did something wrong
  • Try to figure out why you did that mistake, because if you know why you did it, you can figure out how not to do it again.
  • Think of how you can avoid making the mistake again!

to change your world, you must start from yourself, not others. 


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