Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bad Dream or Action Film?

Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.

almost everyone experienced dream. when we fall asleep, we start imagine something that feels so real like we was in that situation, doing something, talk to other prople, cry, sad, happy and etc.

one day, on November  9th 2012 i had a dream...

A man is about to kill me…
Let me tell you about my dream…
I’m at pengampon street, a place that known as the salon supplier’s place in Surabaya. I was looking for a shampoo. In my dream, its exactly "RH" brand. But I can’t find it. I went to several shops and still didn’t find it. The sales promotion girl seems don’t understand what i'm looking for. I hate this feelings, it's like no one understand what i am talking about. after that, I went to the next shop, it’s next to the first shop. And guess what??? They said they didn’t have what I looking for, actually I obviously could see what I looking for in their display case… I’m really disappointed at that time and I tell the sales girl, why don’t you give me that shampoo, I can see what I looking for in your display window????.. and  after that I left that shop.
 Suddenly I felt so sleepy , so stupid, out of control, feels like I’m daydreaming , and it's very uncomfortable, my vision is unclear, it is close to the effect of SLO-MO in dreed movie *OMG*. 

  i walked around and search for  my car. as far as I could see, I couldn’t  find my car. I think I must left my car across the street. So I went across the street and looking for my car again. When I arrive at the other side of the street, I realized  it isn’t possible, it’s  Atom.. so I walked across the street, back to the other side…

On my back,  , I saw so many people, seems like an accident just happened there. I’m so afraid  , I’m afraid because if I went across the street, maybe I could see the victim dying with blood everywhere. At that time, I saw a woman and her child want to across the street. I don’t know why, suddenly I go hand in hand with them and walked. while I was walking across the street,  I sneak and saw the victim, he/she doesn’t look like a human, its like a minced meat… feels like crying that time ...
OMG, I lost my bag…. But as my body condition wasn’t good, I don’t care, I found my car’s key in my jeans pocket  .  when  I pushed unlock button, I’m so surprised because the black CRV car is open up… (FYI that’s not my car ). i dont know why, But I got in that car. In the car, I realized, that woman who walked with me across the street is loading her things (don’t know what) to this car, my feelings is very bad at that time, I ran as fast as I can to my car. Thanks God my car is parked next to her car, and I locked the door immediately.  I’m save now!!
that uncomfortable feeling hit me again, I drove slowly, take u-turn about two times in front of atom, to make sure she didn’t following me. When I was driving, suddenly there is a man in my car, he brought a folding knife and he hurted me, my hand is bleeding.  And he also hurted my neck with his knife too. My blood is everywhere.  ah this man must try to kill me…What to do? ? X_X
This part was a little confusing, I remember that I try to took it from him, but it didn’t works.  My fingers  hurt and my blood flowing ,  my head is dizzy as I ran out much blood. I know one of my friends  live near atom, at that time I was thinking  “maybe I can drive to his place and ask for his help”. But suddenly everything turns black and dark, I cant see anything….***
I woke up in my room,in my pajamas. The first thing I think about is “thanks God, that’s just a dream”. I walked and took a look in the mirror… and surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!  IT ISN’T A DREAM…  I saw there are several knife scratch wounds on my neck.. and my face?  its looks like i’ve been crying all night long… and when i turned around, I saw that MAN, the man who tried to kill me. This dream is so real, because I feels like I wake up already.  And i kept silent…
The man wake up, he went out . what a relieve! fiuh~…
 but it isn’t a relieve, he came back,and forced me with his knife again forced me to eat a bowl of cream soup.but I didn’t eat that soup, because i think he was trying to poisoned me, kill me… and I ask.. why? Why you did this to me? Whyyy????  He answered “ you are the one who talked to my mom, and because of you, she didn’t want to come back home.. all of this, you’ve caused”   

~the end~
Thank's God ,it just a dream! 

Happy Weekend Everyone!! ^^

Friday, December 7, 2012

Move ON!

 Mistakes ..
sometimes we made mistakes and regret it...
or maybe

there are two kind of mistake, the controllable mistake and uncontrollable mistakes. we call it controllable mistake because we knew that is wrong but we still do it, maybe because of silly reason or we didn't think about the result . The other one is Uncontrollable mistake, we didn't know it's wrong or not and after that realized that we made mistake, or we didn't do that mistake on purpose, like break a plate or something else.
When you realized you've made mistake, you will feels like crying and blame yourself. but fortunately, from mistakes you did in the past, you can learn to be a better man in the future...

it's better if you blame yourself instead of other people, as we forgive ourself in short period of time and by blaming yourself, you can learn and change to be better. as an example, you made someone angry, you can say that one hate you, so everything you do will be mistake in their eyes, in this case you are asking them to change (to not hate you) but if you think "Maybe i just did something wrong or maybe that's too much" so you can try to change yourself , and be better.

Don’t regret anything you did in the past, learn from it and move on
And remember that sometimes
it’s not the mistakes that make us who we are, it’s what we do after we’ve made the mistake
Do we stand up and move on or do we sit down and give up? 

How To Move On;
  • Admit that you did something wrong
  • Try to figure out why you did that mistake, because if you know why you did it, you can figure out how not to do it again.
  • Think of how you can avoid making the mistake again!

to change your world, you must start from yourself, not others. 


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sweet words of Sweet Lies??

Sweet words of Sweet Lies? it is based on reality, if it is real then its a sweet word, if it is a lie then it is sweet LIE...

how do you feel if you fell in love with someone, because he really care and the next day he left you without any words?? hmmm, in your head you must thinking about a bad guy... hahaha
its true that girls love bad guy, and cry when get hurted by them.. pity :p

even in fairytale there is a story about a little boy, named pinnochio but if he lie, his nose is getting longer so we can easily notice if he is lying or not. in this real world there is no growing nose or something that happens to liars. so, be carefull with other's words, dont trust them easily, or you will get hurt... :)

here is pinnochio story!
Carlo Collodi

Geppetto, a poor old wood carver, was making a puppet from a tree branch. "You shall be my little boy," he said to the puppet, "and I shall call you 'Pinocchio'." He worked for hours, carefully carving each detail. When he reached the mouth, the puppet started making faces at Geppetto. "Stop that, you naughty boy," Geppetto scolded, "Stop that at once !" "I won't stop !" cried Pinocchio.
"You can talk !" exclaimed Geppetto.
"Of course I can, silly," said the puppet. "You've given me a mouth to talk with." Pinocchio rose to his feet and danced on the table top. "Look what I can do !" he squealed.
"Pinocchio, this is not the time to dance," Geppetto explained. "You must get a good night's rest. Tomorrow you will start going to school with the real boys. You will learn many things, including how to behave."
On his way to school the next morning, Pinocchio stopped to see a puppet show. "I
can dance and sing better than those puppets and I don't need strings," boasted Pinocchio. He climbed onto the stage.
"Get off my stage," roared the Puppet Master. Then he noticed how much the crowd liked Pinocchio. He did not say anything and let Pinocchio stay. "Here, you've earned five copper coins," the Puppet Master told Pinocchio.
"Take these coins and go straight home," said the Puppet Master. Pinocchio put the coins into his sack.
He did not go very far before he met a lame Fox and a blind Cat. Knowing that Pinocchio had money, they pretended to be his friends. "Come with us. We'll teach you how to turn those copper pieces into gold," coaxed the sneaky Cat.
"We want to help you get rich. Plant your coins under this magic tree. In a few hours they'll turn to gold," said the Fox.
"Show me where," said Pinocchio excitedly. The Cat and Fox pointed to a patch of loose dirt. Pinocchio dug a hole and put the sack in it, marking the spot with a stone.
"Splendid !" exclaimed the Cat. "Now let's go to the inn for supper." After supper, the Fox and Cat, who weren't really lame or blind, quickly snuck away and disguised themselves as thieves. They hid by the tree waiting for Pinocchio to come back and dig up the money. After Pinocchio dug up the coins they pounced on him.
"Give us your money !" they ordered. But Pinocchio held the sack between his teeth and resisted to give the sack to them. Again they demanded, "Give us your money !"
Pinocchio's Guardian Fairy, who was dressed all in blue and had blue hair, sent her dog, Rufus, to chase the Fox and Cat away. She ordered Rufus to bring Pinocchio back to her castle. "Please sit down," she told Pinocchio. Rufus kept one eye open to watch what was going on.
"Why didn't you go to school today?" she asked Pinocchio in a sweet voice.
"I did," answered Pinocchio. Just then, his nose shot out like a tree branch. "What's happening to my nose?" he cried.
"Every time you tell a lie, your nose will grow. When you tell the truth, it will shrink," said the Blue Fairy. "Pinocchio, you can only become a real boy if you learn how to be brave, honest and generous."
The Blue Fairy told Pinocchio to go home and not to stop for any reason. Pinocchio tried to remember what the Blue Fairy told him.
On the way to home he met some boys. "Come with us," said the boys. "We know a wonderful place filled with games, giant cakes, pretty candies, and circuses." The boys didn't know that if you were bad, you were turned into donkeys and trained for the circus.
It was not very long before the boys began changing into donkeys. "That's what happens to bad boys," snarled the Circus Master as he made Pinocchio jump through a hoop.
Pinocchio could only grow a donkey's ears, feet, and tail, because he was made of wood. The Circus Master couldn't sell him to any circus. He threw Pinocchio into the sea. The instant Pinocchio hit the water, the donkey tail fell off and his own ears and feet came back. He swam for a very long time. Just when he couldn't swim any longer, he was swallowed by a great whale. "It's dark here," scared Pinocchio said.
Pinocchio kept floating deep into the whale's stomach. "Who's there by the light?" called Pinocchio, his voice echoing.
"Pinocchio, is that you?" asked a tired voice.
"Father, you're alive !" Pinocchio shouted with joy. He wasn't scared anymore. Pinocchio helped Geppetto build a big raft that would hold both of them. When the raft was finished, Pinocchio tickled the whale. "Hold tight, Father. When he sneezes, he'll blow us out of here !" cried Pinocchio.
Home at last, Geppetto tucked Pinocchio into his bed. "Pinocchio, today you were brave, honest and generous," Geppetto said. "You are my son and I love you."
Pinocchio remembered what the Blue Fairy told him. "Father, now that I've proven myself, I'm waiting for something to happen," he whispered as he drifted off to sleep.
The next morning Pinocchio came running down the steps, jumping and waving his arms. I He ran to Geppetto shouting, "Look Father, I'm a real boy !"


My 20th Birthday dinner

My birthday actually on  November 26th , but i celebrate it on December 2nd.
My birthday dinner held at Hare and Hatter Surabaya
I choose pinky theme for my birthday dinner with  pink polkadots table cloth , flowers, and small greeting card made by myself.
I invited 20 friends to my birthday dinner, the same number as my age i guess... ^^

a week before my birthday dinner i prepared everything. the first step is designing the greeting card, i want it to be soft and cute, so i choose baby pink colour for girls and baby blue colour for boys .the next step is decide where is the place to held my birthday dinner, at the first time, i think de kasteel is a nice place to celebrate it and planned to go there to reserve for my birthday dinner, but surprisingly when my best friend Patty and I went to Citraland, we didnt went to de kasteel but ended up at Hare and Hatter ! the next day i went to a shopping center named atom to bought a soft pink fabric with polkadots pattern. found baby pink polkadots fabric isn't easy. i've spent around 2 hours to search for it.

 I wear soft pink dress on my birthday dinner , i obviously matched it with my pink theme, so i dressed up as a pinky girl that day... ><

this is some picture of my birthday dinner!

Our dining table

 Birthday Cake From Fanny and Steven


 My friends who came to my birthday dinner
 Gifts from my lovely friends! love it  :*